• Denibbing Machine

    Model: WTM-UVDB Series

    Model Name: 
    Denibbing/sanding machine. This machine is for denibbing/sanding of wood furniture, , panels etc.

    1. Available in  24”, 36”, 51”
    2. Work piece thickness: 2-80mm
    3. Feeding speed: 5-20m/min
    4. Available in 2-6 head configurations
    5. Working height: 800mm

    1. Feed belt thickness 5mm, high temperature resistance fish bone belt.
    2. Schneider
    3. Delta control each brushing heads individually
    4. Adjustable height pressure - 2 rolls per head
    5. Height counters with individual
    6. Multiple sanding grits, and brush available
    Optional – Precision lifting motor for height adjustment

    Electrical Requirements:
    Operating voltage: 460 Volt/60Hz/3

  • In-Line Finish Sander

    Model: WTM-UVS Series


    Sanding for PU, UV, PE finishes

    1. Available in  24”, 36”, 51” Widths
    2. Workpiece : 2-80mm
    3. : 5-20m/min
    4. Available in single or
    5. Working height: 800mm
    7. thickness- 5mm
    8. Sanding belt : 60” Length
    9. Schneider electronics
    10. Variable speed on sanding heads
    11. Cleaning brush on the output side

    Electrical Requirements:
    Operating : 460 Volt/60Hz/3 Phase

  • Wire Brushing/Denibbing Machine

    Model: WTM-UVWB Series

    Model Name: 
    /   Machine

    Wire brushing, embossment, texturing, of the grain in wood furniture, , panels etc.

    1.   in  24”, 36”, 51”
    2. : 2-80mm
    3. Min working length: 300mm 
    4. Feeding speed: 5-20m/min
    5. Available in 2-6 head configurations

    1. Feed belt thickness 5mm, high temperature resistance fish bone belt.
    2. Schneider Electronics
    3. Delta frequency converter control each brushing heads individually
    4. Adjustable height pressure - 2 rolls per head
    5. Height counters with individual height adjustment
    6. Multiple wire diameter and bristle available
    * Optional -Precision automatic lifting motor for height adjustment

    Electrical Requirements:
    Operating voltage: 460 Volt/60Hz/3 Phase

  • Single Head Roll Coater

    Model Name: Roll Coater

    : WTM-UVRC series

    Roll coating for finish on , , panels etc.

    1.  Available in  24”, 36”, 51” Widths
    2. Work piece thickness: 2-80mm
    3. Min working length: 300mm 
    4. : 5-20m/min
    5. Available in single  
    6. Working height: 800mm

    1. Italian JMC Aluminum alloy reduction gear drive.
    2. Schneider  
    3. High- coupling transmission. NSK Japanese bearings.
    4. is a 2MM anti-sliding PVC belt
    5. Precision automatic 0.75kw lifting motor for
    6. All adjustments are fittied with individual counters
    7. Rubber or sponge heads available per customers need

    Electrical Requirements:
    Operating voltage: 460 Volt/60Hz/3 Phase

  • Grain Filling Machine

    Model: WTM-UVGF Series

    Reverse roll coating for grain fill on wood furniture, , panels etc.

    1. Available in  24”, 36”, 51” Widths
    2. : 2-80mm
    3. Min working length: 300mm 
    4. Feeding speed: 5-20m/min
    5. Available in single or double

    1. JMC Aluminum alloy reduction gear drive.
    2. Filler scrape wheel equipped with RV reducer to control scraper uniformity.
    3. Schneider  
    4. High-quality coupling transmission. NSK Japanese bearings.
    5. Conveyor belt is a 2MM anti-sliding PVC conveyor belt
    6. Precision automatic  lifting motor for height adjustment
    7. All adjustments are fittied with individual counters

    Operating : 460 Volt/60Hz/3

  • Double Head Roll Coater

    Double Head Roll Coater Specifications

    Model: WTM-UVRCD series

    Roll coating for or stain on wood furniture, , panels etc.

    1. Available in  24”, 36”, 51” Widths
    2. Work piece : 2-80mm
    3. Min working length: 300mm 
    4. : 5-20m/min
    5. Available in double, or triple head configuration
    6. : 800mm

    1. Italian JMC alloy reduction gear drive.
    2. Schneider electronics 
    3. High-quality coupling transmission. NSK Japanese bearings.
    4. Conveyor belt is a 3MM anti-sliding PVC conveyor belt
    5. Precision automatic 0.75kw for height adjustment
    6. All adjustments are fitted with individual counters
    7. Rubber or sponge heads available per customers need
    Optional – Double pumps and drains available for individual head use.
    Operating voltage: 460 Volt/60Hz/3 Phase